Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Heart

Sometimes a person comes into your life at precisely the time when you desperately need them.  In the fall of 1990, I was at a very low point.  My self esteem was the lowest it had ever been.  I had just ended a relationship with someone quite toxic and along with a friend, had sworn off any interactions with boys. I was going to try and focus on my grades, as I was starting my senior year and had let my grades fall.  Then I saw the man I would fall head over heels for and spend the rest of my life with.  Patrick was gorgeous and so cool.  I'd never seen anyone like him before.  Eventually, with some intervention from my sister, he asked me out.  I'm not sure if it's supposed to happen like this or not, but I remember the exact moment I fell in love.  Just thinking of it makes my heart skip a beat.
The Night He Proposed

I'm not sure how to describe him other than my soulmate.  That term is so overused, I hate using it, but I can think of no other to describe him.  I knew, and I think Patrick did too, that this was it.  Thinking of it now, I can't imagine that something like this could happen when I was not quite 17 and he wasn't yet 18 -   but it did.  We were meant to be together.  The longer we're together, the more I believe that.  We finish each other's sentences and sometimes know what is on the other's mind even when we're apart.  I've never felt so beautiful as when he looks at me.  His love made me think that if he could love me, there must be something worth loving.  I love him so deeply and completely that I think I would cease to exist if he didn't.

Loving Patrick was easy.  It wasn't a choice I made.  Deciding to spend forever together was the choice and it hasn't always been easy.  There have been some stumbling blocks along the way, but underneath it all was our unbelievably passionate love.  We have gotten each other through some very difficult times.  We've also experienced joy greater than I ever thought possible.  Our three perfect children seem to be the perfect manifestation of our love.  Nothing could mean more to me than our precious life together.  Patrick, you are my life and my heart.  I will be yours until my heart stops beating.